
Ex-premier league footballer - David Cotterill

Published on: 25th November, 2020

Please remember that no episode of the MyoMinds podcast can be used as a replacement for medical advice and/or care.

I spoke with David Cotterill, the ex-professional football player, mental health consultant, and a member of the Crystal Matrix team.

In this episode we delve into the experiences of David's life, growing up with huge pressures to excel in his sport. This led to serious mental health difficulties for David, which showed itself through self harm and drinking alcohol. During this conversation, David gives us the perspective of a professional athlete, what it is like to be judged by millions of people each week, and how he coped.

Check out David on social media:

Instagram: @Davidcotterill11

Twitter: @Cotterill_david

Also, check out the Crystal Matrix:

Website: https://crystalmatrixmethod.com/

Instagram: @thecrystalmatrixmethod

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About the Podcast

MyoMinds Podcast
Demystifying mental health in the exercising community
The MyoMinds podcast is here to start the discussions around disordered eating, exercise addiction, muscle dysmorphia, and everything in-between within exercisers.

Our guests include professional athletes, Experts, Doctors, coaches, experts by experience, and more.

The podcast is hosted by the founder of MyoMinds, George Mycock. He has personal experience with eating disorders, muscle dysmorphia, depression, and anxiety.

*Disclaimer: The MyoMinds Podcast can not be used as a replacement for medical help. If you are struggling with issues related to the content of this podcast, please speak to a medical professional or one of the many available mental health charities (e.g. The Samaritans helpline: 116 123).*

About your host

Profile picture for George Mycock

George Mycock

I am the CEO of MyoMinds and the host of the MyoMinds Podcast. I'm a fitness enthusiast who has lived experience with eating disorders, compulsive exercise, and body dysmorphia. I want to improve the understanding of mental health within the fitness and sport community.